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Personal issues

At times, people find themselves facing issues that overwhelm them to the point where they don't know what to do. You may be stuck in old and rigid patterns or perhaps you stand unprepared for one of life's more existential conditions. This can create unhappiness and lead to sadness, grief, paralysis, insomnia, depression, anxiety or excessive anger. During these times, you may need expert support through therapy with an experienced psychologist. 

Some clients need a few sessions to clarify what to do - others need a series of sessions, when issues are more complex. The common denominator is, in collaboration with you, that I can help you move on from where you feel stuck or from where you lack perspective.

I have more than 20 years of experience in therapeutic conversations regarding personal issues. In addition to my own clinical training and specialization in clinical psychology, I have for years taught (narrative) therapeutic practice to psychology students at the University of Copenhagen.


Couples therapy

As wonderful as a relationship can be when it's working well, as exasperating it can be when it's not. Special expectations, hopes and desires that aren't met in the daily grind, can lead to a fixed view of ones partner. Instead of supporting each other, partners can  resort to criticizing each other and can leave each other feeling lonely and in opposition to each other. 


As a psychologist, I have spoken with many couples over the years. I'm interested in why so many people find, that the good intentions they have for a respectful and loving relationship end up in unsustainable interaction, where they increasingly experience the other person as an adversary. And where you find it difficult to see and appreciate what you once much appreciated about the other person. 


Some couples I meet have specific problems. For example, disagreements about raising children, lack of intimacy, infidelity or different values in terms of what to prioritize together. Other couples have broader issues and some may have doubts about whether they can make their relationship work at all.


For many, couples therapy can be the first step in taking responsibility for doing something different in their relationship, than they have done previously. 
There are many normative ideas of what the right relationship should be and a lot of more or less good advice. When I talk to couples, I'm not interested in the ideal image of the relationship, but what exactly fits for you. I often help couples find their way back to a more fruitful and loving relationship - and sometimes I help people break up.


In addition to my clinical practice I also teach seminars from time to time for other psychologists on couples therapy.


The workplace

I've always had a keen interest in the impact of work on our wellbeing and existence. Our work plays a huge role in our sense of self - and when we thrive, we become better at our work. Most employees know the difference of a boss who is stressed and a boss who is thriving. And most bosses see the implications of an unwell employee just as clearly.  


As a psychologist, I can help ensure that your work does not destroy your wellbeing and quality of life and that you prioritize your time and energy more wisely. Over the years, I have helped many managers and employees overcome difficulties in their working life. 


I originally qualified by studying organizational psychology at the University of Copenhagen. Later, I worked for a number of years as a consultant with specific focus on psychosocial work environment. I also have first-hand experience with management, as I was the head of staff at a private treatment institution for 10 years. 


Leadership: It can be lonely being a leader, being confronted with many different expectations on a daily basis - your own as well as others'. Having a space where you are allowed to doubt and reflect on your own leadership practice can be very rewarding and qualifying for the decisions you make. I know what it means to be a leader, I know the dilemmas, the complexity and how important it is to be able to hold on to your values, when there are demands and pressure from all sides. Conversely, I also know what it does to employees when they encounter unqualified leadership and management.


Stress: Both employees and managers can suffer from stress. It's important to get outside help to figure out why things got so bad. Therapeutic conversations about work attitudes, lack of leadership, inappropriate behavior and the importance and ability to speak up and say no, will help the stressed person to move on and avoid harmful stress in the future.  


Conflicts: Conflicts are important, unavoidable, necessary - and dangerous. If handled well, they can lead to development - if not, they can create a destructive and unproductive work environment. It's important that you learn how to deal with necessary conflicts - also in the workplace. The way you deal with conflicts can be the difference between success and failure. It can lead to many sleepless nights and, in the worst case scenario, paralysis. This is where qualified mentoring may be needed - to take care of you and your work.

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